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Hire Someone to Write TOEFL Essay For Me

The TOEFL iBT Writing Section comprises two essay types, the Integrated Writing task and Writing for an Academic Discussion task, which must be typed on a computer keyboard.

This sample top-scoring integrated essay shows how clearly its writer demonstrated the connection between lecture points and reading passage, transition words and errors in grammar or spelling.


The TOEFL writing section is one of the most essential parts of the test, comprising 25% of your overall TOEFL score. Here, you will write two essays – with 20 minutes allotted for an Integrated Writing task and 30 for Independent Writing tasks on a computer – before moving onto Independent Writing tasks with 30 minutes remaining to finish each essay.

The Integrated Writing task asks you to answer a question by comparing two academic passages. For example, you might be asked whether globalization benefits or harms society; your task will be to argue for either position in an essay that includes key ideas from reading passages and lectures as well as examples from them; additionally it must be coherent by using transitional words and phrases for smooth flow between ideas and smooth transitions between thoughts.

Preparing for this section should involve writing multiple TOEFL practice essays written according to your target universities’ writing style requirements.


The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) examination is an integral component of many students’ academic journeys. This standardized test evaluates a student’s mastery of English language skills and is often required by universities as part of an application process. Although often required of international students applying to universities abroad, domestic students who plan to attend university abroad may also take this test.

To prepare for the TOEFL speaking and writing sections, take a proctored practice test at an approved testing center near you. At such testing centers, they’ll give you access to copies of TOEFL scoring system as well as instructions for answering each question correctly and on time. Practice speaking and writing at exactly the right timing so you’ll become adept at answering prompts quickly.

The TOEFL iBT writing section lasts about 20 minutes and features two tasks. The first one, known as an integrated writing task, involves responding to passages or lectures you’ve read or listened to while the second task entails writing an extended essay response.


The TOEFL test is one of the largest English-language standardized exams for non-native speakers. Colleges and universities often rely on TOEFL scores as part of the application process for admissions into an English-based academic environment, so taking this exam may seem intimidating; however there are ways you can prepare yourself.

The test consists of three sections: reading, writing and speaking. The reading section takes approximately 60 minutes and comprises four or more passages each with 12-14 questions; listening section lasts 41-57 minutes and includes two or three conversations or lectures as well as several grammatical and pronunciation questions.

The Listening Section of the GRE tests your ability to understand a main idea, significant details, implications, relationships between ideas, speaker purpose and attitude, skimming logical arguments as well as empathizing with people’s needs when listening. Sandra Bodin-Lerner from Kean University taught listening classes where her students revealed personal details about themselves such as family relationships during practice sessions with each other.


The TOEFL examination (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an essential first step for non-native speakers who seek university study abroad. Recognized worldwide, the exam measures speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities within an academic environment as well as pronunciation abilities in an assessment format.

The Reading Section features 30-40 questions covering three or four passages with academic texts similar to what would be found at degree level. There are both multiple choice and short answer questions; as this section does not require prior knowledge on any particular topic.

The Writing section of the TOEFL test consists of two tasks, both worth 50 points each: supporting your opinions through written arguments and evaluating those presented by others. Preparation for both tasks should take at least six hours each and are evenly weighted in difficulty.

Pay Someone To Write My TOEFL Essay

The TOEFL Writing section contains two tasks, the Integrated and Independent writing tasks. Essays submitted for evaluation by both human readers and AI scoring are combined and converted to an overall section score ranging from 0-30.

To earn the maximum Writing score on the TOEFL exam, follow these writing tips for TOEFL writing exams. These strategies will enable you to write better, more coherent essays with additional examples and explanations.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement of your essay serves as the central theme. It should provide a succinct and convincing assertion of your position on any given issue and act as an anchor point for all its supporting ideas. While your initial thesis statement may change throughout writing your paper, its role should remain that of an argumentative assertion rather than mere observation or fact.

The TOEFL Independent Writing Task requires you to form your opinion on a given question and support it with evidence, similar to an essay. Questions on the TOEFL iBT may range from discussing how a book has affected your life to discussing academic subjects like the advantages of studying abroad.

Preparing for TOEFL essays should involve practicing on official TOEFL resources that provide multiple essay prompts. You may also find numerous unofficial resources online with various writing samples; their quality may differ accordingly.

Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs are at the heart of any essay; they build upon and develop your main ideas presented in your introductory paragraph, while linking your ideas together using transition words and linking phrases. Body paragraphs should be short yet detailed enough to support and prove your arguments effectively.

Each body paragraph should cover one idea and provide detailed explanation. Your paragraphs should also provide real-life examples to make your arguments more believable and convincing; for instance, if your goal is to save endangered animals as part of an ecosystem preservation strategy, such as saving Yellowstone wolves you could use an example from real life such as their disappearance as proof that their loss would have devastating repercussions for that ecosystem.

However, you should avoid overdoing it when writing body paragraphs for your TOEFL essay. Remember, you only have 20 minutes available for writing the essay; therefore it would be prudent not to include more than five paragraphs if possible.


TOEFL writing is a complex endeavor that demands both strong language skills and the ability to clearly express ideas in an essay format. For TOEFL iBT essay exams, this format consists of an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion – in which an introduction presents a main idea or argument while body paragraphs provide supporting evidence and examples; finally the conclusion summarises key points while restating its thesis statement.

When writing your TOEFL essay, it’s essential that you utilize academic vocabulary instead of colloquialisms or slang – this will make your essay sound more professional and knowledgeable. Furthermore, avoid repetitive phrases and grammatical errors for an improved writing experience.

An effective TOEFL Integrated writing score of 24 is considered good, so to reach that mark it’s recommended you practice paraphrasing passages and using transitional words that explain sequence points or describe relationships. Furthermore, practicing organizing your ideas clearly within a short time limit and writing clearly will also help manage essay writing more efficiently and increase your score.


When it comes to writing for the TOEFL exam, there are a few key considerations. Your TOEFL writing score depends on several factors – your ability to write well, connecting reading points to personal experiences and using language skills such as grammar and vocabulary effectively are among them.

Before exam day, it is also beneficial to practice writing essays. This will enable you to familiarize yourself with the essay prompts and learn time management when writing an essay. Furthermore, looking at TOEFL writing samples and rubrics will give an indication of what graders expect in an essay that earns high scores.

Finally, when writing TOEFL essays it’s essential to vary the sentence structure in your essays in order to create more engaging essays for readers. You can do this by using short and long sentences, questions and statements; in addition to this it is also key to avoid repetition and include as many specific examples as possible within them.

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An effective TOEFL Writing section essay must be well written, packed with examples and organized concisely; answering the question completely while only having minor spelling and grammar errors.

The TOEFL Integrated Writing task asks you to read a passage and listen to a lecture on a similar subject, then plan and write your response. Your TOEFL Integrated Writing score will depend on how effectively you connect ideas in both readings to what was said in lecture.

Choosing a topic

To write a TOEFL essay that earns you the highest possible score, you need to choose an intriguing topic and support your arguments with solid evidence. When possible, using familiar vocabulary will make writing simpler and more readable – don’t be intimidated to experiment with various styles of writing: longer essays may work just as long as your ideas can clearly come across!

Two kinds of TOEFL essays exist, the Integrated and Independent Writing Tasks. Students attempting the former task receive both an article and lecture on a similar subject before being required to compose a response that combines information from both sources; with regard to the latter task, students provide their opinion and examples supporting it in response.

Prior to exam day, it’s crucial that you practice writing TOEFL essays regardless of their type. Doing this will familiarize yourself with different essay prompts while developing clear expression of ideas.

Writing the essay

To do well on the TOEFL Writing Section, it is crucial that your essay has a clear main point and utilize real-life examples, statistics, and facts to back your opinion. Varying sentence structure will keep readers engaged. Finally, ensure accurate grammar and vocabulary usage when crafting your essays.

The TOEFL iBT offers two writing tasks, Integrated Writing and Independent Writing. In the former task, you must compose an essay using information gleaned from reading passages and lectures; typically these essays focus on classic literature such as history lectures or classic poetry lectures; however, more contemporary issues like American consumer spending habits or scientific debates could also come up during your test time.

Before taking the TOEFL, it is beneficial to practice writing both Integrated and Independent Writing essays. While there are unofficial resources for this purpose available online, official sources provide you with peace of mind that sample essay questions are accurate, as well as accurate scoring of answers provided. Furthermore, these official resources offer explanations as to why essays received certain scores.

Proofreading the essay

Prewriting is key when writing an effective TOEFL essay, helping to capture all the basic ideas you may use and organize them into an outline. An official TOEFL resource offers peace of mind knowing that essays have been accurately scored; you may even gain some insights into why specific essays received certain scores, which is extremely helpful in improving writing abilities.

For the Integrated Writing section, the exam provides you with an academic discussion to read and then write about. Topics may range from history to zoology – usually with one main argument and three supporting arguments presented for you to consider when writing your response.

As you compose an essay, keep your word count in mind. Exceeding this limit will lower your score; therefore, write clearly and concisely for maximum impact. Use different sentence lengths and structures for added variety in your writing.

Submitting the essay

Writing on the TOEFL can be challenging, but you can achieve a high score by understanding what graders look for in top-scoring essays. Practice paraphrasing and use grammar checking tools to avoid making errors – these writing skills are vitally important for TOEFL success, and investing time and effort in them is worth investing!

The TOEFL Integrated Writing section requires reading a short passage and listening to a lecture before responding to a prompt with an essay that incorporates points from both reading and lecture points into its organization, scoring well on vocabulary, sentence structure and writing conventions.

Unofficial TOEFL writing samples may be found online, but official resources always prove more reliable. The official TOEFL website features sample questions and essays as well as explanations as to why each essay earned its score.

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